Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Limo Lunch Update

Those of you who are on the Limo Lunch for the Eagle Cookiedough sale will be going on April 14. We have to put it off till then due to standardized tests. More info on the event as the date draws near, but put it on your calendar.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Final Countdown

Contest is coming quickly. March 13. We are also scheduled to play our precontest at Alma on Feb. 26. In order to get ready for those two events we have a lot of work left to do. Stay hooked up solid and keep pressing on.

All sectionals will meet this coming week. Monday group will come on Wednesday. Percussion will meet Tuesday night.

Cherrydale kicks off on Wednesday. The trip to St. Louis is going to run between $325 and $350. Many of you have the majority of that raised. Many others still need to raise the bulk of it. The Cherrydale sale is your last chance to fundraise for the trip. Work hard to minimize, or even eliminate out of pocket expense for the trip.

Enjoy Monday off!!! I know I will. See ya Tuesday - Low Brass group at 7:00 a.m.

I'm proud of the work you've done in the last couple of weeks. Keep it up!!!


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Congrats to All Staters!!!

Pat Melton - 2nd 2nd Jazz
Logan Dooly - 1st 1st Concert

Way to go guys.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Great Rehearsal Today!

Thanks for a tremendous rehearsal this morning. The vast majority of you are SO great about working hard and having a great spirit about what we're doing. Keep it up. I'm proud of you!! Remember, we're not just learning notes and rhythms in music. We're learning life.

Life Lesson - Following instructions and doing what you're told are not just things you do as a kid at home or in school. They're things you'll have to do all your lives. Every day I have instructions from those I work for that I have to follow. Your parents do too! I'm sorry to report to you that when you grow up and move out on your own you really won't get to call the shots. We're all accountable to many different folks. Tax time is coming up soon. We all have to file our income taxes. Why? Because that's the rule. We may or may not agree with it, but it's the rule and our opinion of it really doesn't matter. We have to follow the law of the land or pay the price. When you go to work you're going to have a boss that will require things of you. If you choose not to comply you will most likely lose your job. Bosses are RARELY, if ever, as lenient as parents and teachers. They generally won't tell you repeatedly how to do, or not do, something - especially if you're rebellious toward their authority. They'll just fire you. Work hard, do what's expected (or more), keep your shoulder to the wheel and you'll do well. Have an awesome week!! Keep pressing on!!


Cherrydale Starts Feb. 20

Start lining up your sales now. Get together your "peeps" and get them ready for Cherrydale time. We need to make a ton of $$$, so let's talk it up and prep it. I can't wait for you to see their totally new product line and brochures. The company was purchased this past year and they have undergone an extreme makeover. You're gonna love it!


Bowling for Bucks!

Congrats to Lehman Petty for winning $400 in scholarships at a bowling tournament last Saturday. He scored 254 in his winning effort! Good Job Lehman!!!!

All State Jazz Auditions

All State Jazz tryouts will be held in the Russellville area on Tuesday. Details to be final from ASBOA later today. Stay tuned. Logan Dooly, Clayton Masterson and Patrick Melton will be auditioning.


Congratulations Logan!!

Logan Dooly is 1st Band 1st Chair All State String Bass. He not only was the top String Bass player on the band side, but he also outscored the basses in the orchestra. WTG Logan!!! He'll travel to Hot Springs Feb 13-16 to perform at the All State Band clinic.

Feb 4-8

Good morning everybody!

This week is a full regular schedule. In sectionals and rehearsals we'll be working transitions in the march. Tempo and continuity in Deerpath and Australian. Just a heads up - The Alma Invitational (our precontest concert) is coming up on Feb. 26. That's not very far away. To borrow a line from the Smokey and the Bandit theme song - We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there. Let's buckle down and get it done all the way right.