Saturday, November 29, 2008


With the Golden Arrows' win last night, next week just got REALLY busy!!! We will travel to Fountain Lake just outside Hot Springs on Friday for the state semi-final game. Saturday is the annual Lavaca Christmas Parade. Monday, the 8th, is the Christmas Concert.

On Tuesday I'll have an itinerary for the game. (Dress and game plan to follow)

Call time for the parade Saturday will be 9:00 at the gym at FBC Lavaca. Dress is Red sweatshirt, blue jeans, Santa hats and tennis shoes.

Call time for the concert on the 8th for HS will be 6:00. MS call will be 6:15 and beginner call will be 6:30. The concert starts at 7:00. Reception to follow in the band room.

Great job last night!!

Friday, November 28, 2008


CALL: 6:45 PM at Stadium
UNIFORM: Warm Clothing!!!

Band room opens at 5:00. You are responsible for your own equipment!

...............Yes Freshmen.............It's still a required event!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


2 Major Items:

1.  Recorded Assignment 1 is due Friday by 5:00.  It is the same as a PERFORMANCE GRADE - those account for 30% of your grade.  Make sure you get it done.

2.  Call time for the game is 6:45 dressed and seated at the stadium.  Wear layers so you'll be warm.  

Monday, November 17, 2008

Assignments and Stuff

Nov. 17-21

Early band and sectionals meet all week.  SECTIONALS START AT 7:00.  BAND STARTS AT 7:55.  BE ON TIME!!!!  : )

Recorded Assignment #1 is due by Friday 11/21 - Material is posted in the bandroom.

Game Friday is here versus Earle - yep, Earle.  If we win we play next week.  The location depends on the result of the Cedarville v. Perryville game.  If Cedarville wins we would be here.  If Perryville wins we would travel there.  I'll have information for you on the different scenarios later in the week.  Check often.  

Have a great week.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Coming Up...............

It's playoff time! The game Friday is here. We'll be playing. Call time is 6:30 dressed and at the field. The uniform room will be open until 6:15. Be early! Game time for all playoff games is 7:30. If we win this week, we'll be home again next week. It's difficult to predict after that. So, keep checking in to see.

We DO have early band Wednesday. Sectionals will resume next week - Nov. 17-21.

Christmas Parade - Dec. 6
Christmas Concert - Dec. 8
JH Region Tryouts - Dec. 13

Monday, November 03, 2008

Congrats Jazz Dudes!!!

Congratulations to Logan, Clayton and Evan on qualifying for the All Region Jazz Band!!! Way to go guys!!! Lavaca went 3 for 3 in the auditions!!!