Sunday, April 01, 2007

So much to do........

So little time.

We have a huge couple of weeks ahead of us. We will not have sectionals this week. We will have early band on Wednesday. Mr. Cooper from ATU will be in rehearsal with us on Wednesday morning to work on Manfred. We have a ton of work left to do.

Tuesday we will leave right after school to go to Alma. We will load equipment earlier than that and it will be in Alma waiting on us when we get there.

Last week was fantastic. Keep it up. We have a short week so we need to get as much done as possible.

Friday we'll need to meet at 10:30 for our rehearsal as I have to have several Seniors in Fayetteville for auditions in the early afternoon. You'll need money for lunch and dinner as well as about $10 or so for Locomotion.


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