Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ending One Year and Beginning A New One!!

It's been an awesome year for the Golden Arrow Band! One more gig and we're done!!! Graduation is Saturday night. We'll meet at 6:30 at the band room to run over the music and then move to the stadium. Dress is standard concert dress. Guys- dress pants, dress shirts (tucked in) ties and dress shoes. Ladies - dresses, skirts or dress pants. No capris. NO DENIM ANYBODY. Athletic shoes are not dress shoes!! Look your best as we bid farewell to our senior class.

Band Camp forms need to be turned in with your $20 deposit ASAP!

Private lessons are available at the band room all summer long. If you want to take lessons this summer, sign up at the band office.

If you are interested in teaching private lessons to MS band members to earn some extra $$ let me know.

Summer Band:

Staff, Percussion and Guard will report on Wednesday, August 1st!!!
Full Band will report on Monday, August 6th.
We will rehearse each day from 8:00 until Noon the week of the 6th.
During the week of the 13th we will meet daily, but the time will be determined after the teachers' in-service schedule is released.

All school instruments must be returned and checked in on Tuesday, May 30 for summer repair. Scott will be picking up all equipment on that day, so don't forget to get it in on time. If you are going to camp and need your horn back for that, please let us know at that time so we can label it for early return.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Spring Concert Monday May 14 7:00 p.m.

Tell all your friends and family to come out and enjoy the Spring Concert Monday night, May 14 at 7:00 p.m. The concert will be held at FBC Lavaca. All three bands will perform and we'll have a special guest conductor for one of the pieces during the HS band portion of the program.

C ya Monday!!!


Monday, May 07, 2007


Well, the trip to Dallas was AWESOME! The kids played a fantastic concert at the Rangers' game. The trip to the Kennedy Museum was amazing. The planetarium show was dizzyingly awesome. Great food! Great times!! Six Flags was a blast!! No lines!!

Thanks gang for great behavior and a great attitude throughout the whole weekend. I'm so proud of you for that!

Our Spring Concert is Monday, May 14 at 7:00 p.m. at First Baptist Lavaca. All three bands will be playing and it is sure to be a great evening of music and fun. Come out and enjoy the show. We will also present our awards at that time.

Graduation is Saturday, May 26. The combined MS and HS bands will play, as always. This is a huge event for us because of its importance to our school and community. As with all performance events, it is required.

Have a great week.
