Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sectionals Week of Jan. 28

Clarinets: We will work the beginning of Australian and the 16th passages of Deerpath
Low Group: We will work 87 in Deerpath, the repeats in the march and balance and sustaining in Australian
Trumpets: We will work melodic sections of Deerpath (12, 44, 61, 69, 102)and sustaining and balance in Australian
Flutes: Beginning of Australian, 16th passages of Deerpath, range
Percussion: All of Deerpath - making sure ALL parts are covered, establishing the percussion equipment setup, knowing your travel map so that you know when and where to move during Deerpath. Timp part in Australian.

Rehearsal Info

Friday 1/25
March 2nd strain
Australian 21-end
Deerpath 52-78 work up to tempo

Monday 1/28
Australian Beginning-13
Deerpath 78-end
March Intro

Tuesday 1/29
Australian 13-21
Deerpath 87-92, 109-end
March Trio (softly)

Wednesday 1/30
Australian all the Scottish flips (de dah)
March Trio and Outstrain
Deerpath 44-60

Thursday 1/31
Australian all (slower tempo) begin working rubato (push and pull)
March all transitions
Deerpath tempo work, transitions throughout

Friday 2/1
Attempt run through of program and record. (I know it'll be rough! We just need a guage)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Sectional Schedule

Monday - Clarinets
Tuesday - Low Brass/Low Reed/Alto
Tuesday PM - Percussion w/ Mailer
Wednesday - Flutes/Trumpets

Morning Sectionals begin at 7:00 and are required.
Percussion Sectionals begin at 6:00 p.m. and are required.

Regular morning rehearsals begin at 7:55.

Students should arrive early for all band events in order to have equipment ready, be warmed up and prepared to rehearse. Arriving at the band room at the time the event starts is NOT considered on time. On time means everything ready, student in place warmed up and ready. Please be mindful of this and respectful of fellow band members and directors by arriving in plenty of time to get ready.