Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Trip Itinerary

Here is the itinerary for the weekend. Luggage check will be from 3:15-5:00 Thursday afternoon. You must be present with your bags for them to be checked in. Do not just drop them off at the band room. You may bring one small bag. Carryons will be checked on Friday morning. Click on the itinerary to see a bigger version.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Band Camp

If you are attending Band Camp at ATU this summer those forms need to be turned in by May 15.



If you have not yet paid off your trip please do so today.
All money is now due. If you need to know your balance, it
is posted outside my office.

Trip forms are also past due. Please turn in your medical
form and your trip rules sheet.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Spring Meeting

We'll be having a Spring Band Parent's Meeting on Monday, April 7 at 6:30 p.m. We'll discuss the end of the year trip, a May picnic and a new fundraiser we have coming up! Hope to see you all there.


As we press on toward the end of this year.....

Hey gang! I'm really enjoying the sounds you're making on Slavonic! It's going to be an awesome opener. We'll be adding a movie score to round out the program.

Beginning next week we'll be rehearsing in the old gym. During the next couple of weeks the FAB will be in use for testing (SAT 10, EOC, IBTS, etc.), so we'll be displaced. We will press on with our regular schedule of rehearsal. You'll be able to store your instrument in the gym during the day, but you'll need to take it home at night, as the facility is used by the public at night and there's no way to secure your stuff.

Make sure you're getting to rehearsals on time. WE STILL START AT 7:55! The vast majority of you are doing great at this. The rest need to get hooked back up and do right. Finish strong!

Finally - If you have photos you would like to see in the end of the year slideshow at the concert, I need those by the 15th of April so that I can put that together.
