Friday, February 23, 2007

The Days Ahead

Next week we will have our normal schedule. All sectionals and early band will meet.

Those who arrive late to rehearsals will be placed in the sectional class in the choir room so as not to disrupt the band rehearsal. To avoid this, be on time. On time is STILL defined as arriving early enough to get your equipment ready, be seated and have 5-10 minutes of individual warm up before the 7:55 bell rings. With the EXTREME number of class interruptions we have to deal with already, we don't need to add any ourselves, so make your best effort to get here early and be ready.

Today's rehearsal (Friday, Feb. 23) was FANTASTIC! Like I told you this morning, it was one of the best I've had in the 19 years I've been here. Way to finish the week strong. Thanks!

Work hard on Cherrydale. We need the money for your trip. It's gonna be a blast! Have an awesome weekend. I love you guys!!! Really!!! I do!!!!


Sunday, February 18, 2007


We will have our normal schedule this week. Woodwinds will meet Thursday
Woodwinds will work the runs in FW and read the march.
Trumpets will work the fanfare in FW, the big cresc. and decresc. in Manfred and read the march.
Percussion will work all of FW and read the march.
Low Brass/Alto/Reeds will work fanfare in FW and the map, big cresc. and decresc. in Manfred and read the march.

Tuesday morning we will work the ending of Manfred and read the march - THIS WILL BE A SILENT REHEARSAL - Instructions will be on the board. No talking once you enter the room.
Wednesday morning we will devote the 7:00 hour to Manfred and the first half of the 8:00 hour to FW. At 8:30 we will have our Cherrydale Kickoff.
Thursday we will work the G section of FW, the transition into 21 of Manfred and the Intro and 1st Strain of the march.
Friday we will work the 2nd strain and trio of the march, Z-the DS of FW, run Manfred and build the map on the march.

Be early. Be warmed up. Be ready.
Are you giving your very best????

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Enjoy the Snow Day!!

Well, we don't have anything on you guys today do we? As we're here in Hot Springs in meetings and rehearsals you guys will be enjoying another day off courtesy of Jack Frost! Have a super snow day!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

UA Windsymphony at Alma PAC

Next Thursday, February 22, the University of Arkansas Wind Symphony under the direction of W. Dale Warren will perform at the Alma Performing Arts Center. The concert is free and open to the public. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. Program selections will include the following:

Festive Overture, Op. 96 by Dmitri Shostakovich

Colonial Song by Percy A. Grainger

Monologues by Joseph Turrin
Benjamin Pierce, euphonium
Arkansas Premier - 2007 Southeastern Conference Band Directors Association Commission

Symphony in B-flat by Paul Hindemith
Rolling Thunder by Henry Fillmore

The UA Wind Symphony is a 58 piece ensemble consisting of the premier graduate and undergraduate wind and percussion musicians at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. The Wind Symphony studies and performs traditional and contemporary wind band literature and requires an advanced level of performance ability.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


The much anticipated return of the "taped assignment" has finally arrived. There are a few new options available to you for submitting your recorded assignment. You may 1. submit an old fashioned cassette tape - only standard size, as I do not have a microcassette player to use for the small ones, 2. you may submit a cd recording of your assignment that you record on your home computer, or recording apparatus, or 3. you may submit an mp3 of your assignment to me via email. I prefer #3, but #1 or #2 will work just fine.

Now for the particulars:


All Brass: Flashing Winds - Beginning through Meas 27. Manfred - all - you may skip over multi measure rests, but state on the recording that you are doing so. Allied Honor - Introduction and first strain with repeats!

Woodwinds: Flashing Winds - B-Z(meas. 96) with repeats. Manfred - all. Allied Honor - Intro and First Strain.

Percussion: Flashing Winds - Beginning-Meas. 27, D-Meas. 81. Allied Honor - Intro and First Strain.

The assignment will be due on Friday, Feb. 23 by 3:30. No assignments will be accepted late, so plan ahead. If you email an mp3 to me, I will send you a confirmation email for you to keep as proof you turned in the assignment. I will also email your grade back to you when I've listened to your assignment.

Remember - since we don't have public performances this term, these assignments are your performance grades and will count for a combined 20% of your total 9wks grade. There will be a total of 4 taped assignments before we go to contest.


There will be no 7:00 a.m. rehearsal on Wednesday, February 14. I will be making trip preparations for All State.

Low Brass, Alto and Low Reeds will NOT have sectionals on Feb. 16 due to All State.


All State Conference


I will be out Thur and Fri for the All State Music Conference in Hot Springs. Rehearsal will start at the usual time on those days - 7:55. You will be working on your solos and small ensembles. Make sure you have them with you and ready to go. Nobody will be able to leave the room during rehearsal time so get a drink and/or go to the restroom before the 7:55 bell. Everyone will practice in the big room - no using the other rooms. You may also work on your concert music on those days. I very much suggest spending some time on Allied Honor. We will begin working on it next week.

Section leaders may spend some time in sectionals with their groups, but please do not engage in any "gang playing". Use this time to make yourself, your section and the band better. Section leaders and Seniors need to step up to the plate and lead right. For anyone who has trouble practicing I will also leave a written assignment which will constitute a performance grade. Please do what you know I expect of you while I am gone and behave properly for your substitute. I know I can count on you. Thanks.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Spring Calendar


All State Tryouts Feb 9-10
All State Feb 14-17
Cherrydale Feb 22
Solo/Ens Feb 23-24
Alma Invitational April 3
Contest April 12
HS Band Trip May 4-6 (leave after school)
Spring Concert May 13
Graduation TBA - Required for full band 7-11!!

Return of the Sign In Sheet

Beginning Monday the much loved sign in sheet will be posted on the office window each morning. Please sign in when you arrive. The sheet will be taken down at 7:55 each day when the first bell rings. You must sign in before that to receive your full credit for daily rehearsal. Remember - Early is on time. On time is late. Late is unacceptable. Let's get better at being here ready to go on time each morning. Rehearsal begins at the first bell. You should be seated, warmed up and ready to play at that time.

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence in All We Do
The Lavaca High School Band


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Blog Viewer's Roll Call

Please respond to this post with a comment so I can get an idea of how many folks are viewing it. Thanks


Sectional Challenge and Thursday Morning

The trumpets are the first to make a run at the Sectional Challenge! They had 100% attendance and 100% on time for sectionals this week. If they make it next week, then they get to start having theirs at 7:15 instead of 7:00.

Your section can join them if you get everybody here and on time! Go for it.

Thursday the FAB will open at 7:00 for extra help with solos/ensembles etc. If you want to come early and play, come on! I don't want to be here all alone drinking my Starbucks Breakfast Blend!


More about All State Tryouts

Clayton Masterson has been upgraded from alternate to official All State Tryout Qualifier! He joins Patrick Melton and Logan Dooly in representing LHS and Region II at the Arkansas All State Band auditions this weekend.

Congratulations guys! We're proud of you all. Go get em at State!


All State Tryouts

For the guys trying out for All State:

We will leave mid morning Friday to go to Conway for jazz tryouts. After they are over we'll drive back home. The schedule for Saturday got moved later in the day due to it being an ACT date, so we won't spend the night.

Saturday morning we'll leave the band room at 8:00 and return that night when it's over.

You'll need $5 for each tryout and some food money.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Hey gang. I just got word this morning that my insurance has approved me for surgery to remove the extra skin from around my midsection. That will be scheduled as soon as we can get it on the calendar. That means I'll be out for a few days. I'll keep you posted on when it will take place as soon as I find out. We have to get the exact cost, my copay amount and all that figured out and settled, and of course, pay the $$ beforehand, so it may take a few weeks to get everything lined up. Anyway - things here will carry on as usual while I'm away. I know you'll keep working hard at all we are doing so that you're ready to rip as soon as I return. More to come.......


Monday, February 05, 2007

Feb 5-9

Hey gang! Great rehearsal this morning. I really enjoyed working Manfred today. I'm looking forward to what you guys can do with it. You'll be the first band in over 30 years to play it in Arkansas. How cool is that!

We'll have a regular schedule this week. Percussion will not meet Tuesday night.

Keep working your solos. If you want to add a small ensemble, see me or Tracie to get music and sign up. If there is anyone who does not have a solo yet, please see me ASAP.

Jacket money is past due. Jacket order will be turned in Wednesday. Please turn in your money so you can get a jacket. No orders will be made for anyone who has not paid.

Have an awesome week.
