Monday, September 18, 2006

This Week

Hey gang. Great job at the picnic Saturday. I'm very proud of all of you who worked so hard to fulfill your committment to the band. We will make a ton of money from that day. We will be doing another picnic on Saturday night, September 30. Clear your calendar. That will be another required event. Much shorter in duration - and much cooler in temperature too!!!

This week is a big week. We will perform CC Rider and I Want Candy at halftime. We won't add the closer until next week. We will begin learning drill for the closer on Tuesday. Be here and be ready. We have a lot of drill to learn for this one.

Sectionals, early band, guard, percussion and jazz will all meet at their regular times this week. Remember - early is on time!!! I'll have the schedule for Friday posted as soon as I can get it ready. I think it will be a pretty easy schedule - very similar to a home game. Watch this spot Tue afternoon or Wed am for info.

The middle school band will be playing a pep rally at h20 on thursday after school and performing at the game that night. If you would like to help with either or both of those events, please let me know asap.

Have an awesome week!!! I really appreciate all your hard work.

Don't forget our motto. It applies to everything that we do!!

Integrity first.
Service before self.
Excellence in all we do!!


Anonymous said...

What time on the 30th?

Chase Carter said...

i don't have the final itinerary yet, but it's a late afternoon and evening thing. more when i get it - hopefully tuesday or wed.


Anonymous said...

do we have sectionals tomorrow?

Chase Carter said...

Yes we have sectionals.
hi dan!

see you guys in the morning.