Friday, December 21, 2007

Greetings from Chicago!!!

Sorry I took so long to post. We've been very busy and I'm a tightwad! I have to come to the Corner Bakery to get free wifi and I wouldn't pay the $16 to use the hotel access.

We have been having a blast. The city is fantastic. We came in on Tuesday - Angie was all smiles for the entire flight. O'Hare is HUGE! We walked for days before we got to the luggage pickup and then days more to get to the train station. But, it's been great. We saw Phantom of the Opera Tuesday night - that was our Christmas present from Angie's parents. The Convention is fantastic as well. I've been to some great clinics, heard some awesome bands and met a ton of composers.

In one recording workshop I was in there were around 650-700 teachers. The presenter surveyed the audience and it turned out that Lavaca has the most sophisticated and well equipped recording arts program of anybody there - and there were people from all over the world in the room!! Cool huh?!

Well, we're doing some sight seeing today. I'll let you know more later. I'll post pics when we get back!

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