Tuesday, August 01, 2006

PERCUSSION, GUARD - Don't forget Saturday at NOON

Hey gang. Don't forget required percussion and guard meeting at noon on Saturday. We'll be getting things ready for Monday. Special thanks to the crew who helped out this week to get a lot of things done - Tracie, Christy, AJ M., Boyett, Pat, Emmy, Seth- I think that's it. If I left anybody out - sorry!! Let me know and I'll put you in!

Anybody who wants to come Saturday is welcome - we can use all the help we can get! Cool things are ahead. Adventure awaits! C ya Saturday. I'll be on the road W-Fri so if you have a question that needs a quick answer call my cell rather than posting. I'll check this each night when I get in. It may be late though.




Anonymous said...

You forgot Lyndsey. :)

Chase Carter said...

And.......the incredible, fabulous, marvelous and wonderful.................Lyndsey!!!!

thanks tw!